

Can Acupuncture Relieve Anxiety?

Can acupuncture relieve anxiety? Let's be very clear: anxiety is a fact of life. While it’s true that everyone deals with anxiety from time to time, some people experience unhealthy levels of anxiety due to an actual anxiety disorder. These people are always looking for ways to fix the problem, which is why they often [...]

By |2022-11-04T19:19:51+00:00October 14th, 2022|Acupuncture, Blog, Pain, Services, Stress, Wellness Studio|0 Comments

How Medical Massages Differ from Spa Massages?

How are medical massages different from massages found at spas?   There's often a misconception where people believe that a spa massage is exactly the same as a medical massage. Patients often opt for a massage given at their local gym or a similar facility. This isn't a strange misconception, because all massages share similar traits and [...]

8 Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

How can acupuncture help with chronic pain? Across the country, people from all walks of life live with chronic pain, which often makes daily activities quite difficult. In some cases, the pain can get so bad that it can lead to near debilitation and sometimes even a case of disability where even the simplest things [...]

Can Medical Massages Help Relieve Chronic Pain?

How do medical massages help treat chronic pain? At any given moment, millions of people across the country suffer from chronic pain. While some people have found proper treatments that provide some level of pain relief, it's often not enough. Many find themselves having trouble functioning in daily life. Many people who suffer from pain [...]

How Yoga Can Help Alleviate Back Pain

How does Yoga help relieve chronic back pain? Millions of people suffer from back pain on a regular basis, whether it's an occasional discomfort or chronic lower back pain. Instead of relying solely on pain medication, many of these people are looking for an alternative or supplemental solution. That’s where yoga comes in. Yoga has a [...]

By |2022-08-08T17:40:59+00:00July 19th, 2022|Blog, Pain, Wellness Studio, Yoga|0 Comments

Your Questions About Practicing Yoga Answered!

Common questions about Yoga answered. Yoga is one of the most popular types of fitness in existence today, with millions practicing on a regular basis. In addition to improving flexibility and burning calories, it's a great way to relax, improve sleep, and lower stress. Of course, there are many things that people don't understand about [...]

By |2022-08-08T17:41:59+00:00July 14th, 2022|Blog, Info Article, Wellness Studio, Yoga|0 Comments

How Does Yoga Burn Calories? 5 Calorie Burning Yoga Poses

How Does Yoga Burn Calories? Many people seem to view yoga as somewhat of an “easy" workout because it doesn't involve heavy lifting or running miles on a treadmill. Although it's true that practicing yoga isn't as strenuous as other activities, it can still burn between 100-600 calories per hour depending on the type of poses you're choosing. [...]

By |2022-07-07T19:59:23+00:00June 24th, 2022|Blog, Services, Wellness Studio, Yoga|0 Comments

Can Acupuncture Treat a Pinched Nerve?

If you have a pinched nerve, can acupuncture be a solution? Suffering from the pain of a pinched nerve can be a horrendous experience. In some cases, you may have trouble sleeping or be unable to function in your daily life. Popping pain pills every day isn't a sustainable or desirable solution, so many people [...]

Can Practicing Yoga Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure?

Can Practicing Yoga Help Lower Blood Pressure? Since its inception, many millions - and possibly billions - of yoga practitioners have benefited from increased flexibility, improved relaxation techniques, weight loss, and other benefits. Due to its many health benefits, people have often wondered if practicing yoga for high blood pressure is effective. Many studies have been [...]

By |2022-06-08T20:03:09+00:00May 27th, 2022|Blog, Wellness Studio, Yoga|0 Comments

Yoga for Runners: How Does Yoga Benefit Runners?

How is practicing Yoga beneficial for runners? People far and wide always talk about the benefits of yoga, but they typically speak in more general terms. We've done this many times ourselves because yoga can improve your physical and mental health whether you're a desk jockey or physical athlete. For today's discussion, however, we're going to look at the [...]

By |2022-06-02T16:14:20+00:00May 12th, 2022|Blog, Pain, Wellness Studio, Yoga|0 Comments
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