How can acupuncture help with chronic pain?

Across the country, people from all walks of life live with chronic pain, which often makes daily activities quite difficult. In some cases, the pain can get so bad that it can lead to near debilitation and sometimes even a case of disability where even the simplest things are impossible.

To get relief from long-term pain, many people are turning to acupuncture as an alternative medicine solution. What started out centuries ago as a traditional Chinese medicine has been increasing in popularity. This is a list of several benefits of acupuncture for pain relief, along with a few other physical and mental issues.

4 Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

Acupuncture has proven to be a reliable treatment option for chronic pain. Most patients will feel relief after the first session and then improve as time goes on. Here are a few of the benefits of using acupuncture for pain relief:

Overall Pain Relief

No matter what kind of chronic pain you’re suffering from, acupuncture sessions will help. During a session, the practitioner will select several acupuncture points that will help with pain relief. Although many patients need help with very specific types of chronic pain involving their back, head, neck, joints, etc., you’ll also be treated to overall pain relief in other areas of your body.

Headache Relief

Millions of people suffer from migraines and chronic headaches. These often make it difficult to concentrate or remember certain things. With the precise placement of acupuncture needles, the nerves related to the pain will be given quick relief. This process also releases endorphins, which are instrumental in reducing the feeling of discomfort.

Sleep Improvement

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body isn’t rested and you’re more likely to be susceptible to chronic pain. The problem is that when you’re suffering from pain, it’s often much more difficult to sleep, so you get caught in an endless cycle. Acupuncture increases your body’s production of melatonin. This helps regulate your sleep-wake cycles, making it easier to get a good night’s rest and feel less pain.

Mood Improvement

Another endless cycle you might find yourself in is when pain causes you to be in a bad mood, which then results a higher level of stress and – you guessed it! – even more pain. Acupuncture can offer significant relief by stimulating your nervous system and releasing endorphins. This helps you fight against anxiety and stress, thereby enhancing your mood and helping to relieve chronic pain.

4 Other Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Many people swear by using acupuncture for pain relief, and it’s easy to see why. Although dealing with chronic pain is important, it’s only the tip of the iceberg of what you can get out of a session. Here are a few more of the important benefits of acupuncture treatment:

Immune System Support

Our immune system acts as our first line of defense against disease. Immune systems are often compromised given the way many people live. Acupuncture can help boost your immune system and decrease the amount of time your body will need to heal against certain ailments. Plus, it helps balance your immune system, which can help you reduce the effects of severe types of autoimmune diseases.

Digestive Support

Acupuncture has always been well-known for its positive effects on the digestive system. It can help treat acute gastrointestinal issues and even help reduce the effects of Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, gallstones, and more. Very often, these health issues are being treated with acupuncture before they’ve even been diagnosed.

Blood Pressure Control

High blood pressure can lead to severe health issues, particularly heart disease and the risk of heart attack and stroke. It’s been known for many years that acupuncture promotes improved blood flow and heart function. By caring for your cardiovascular system with the use of routine acupuncture sessions, you’ll achieve lower blood pressure, stronger heart muscles, and improved cardiac health.

Boosts Energy

With so many of us leading hectic lives these days, it’s very easy to feel physically and mentally drained. Acupuncture assists in balancing your body’s energetic field. This can make your organs and entire body function better. This provides you with an energy flow boost that can help increase your physical stamina and allow you to think more clearly. Not to mention reducing pain as we discussed above.

Contact East West Healing Solutions to Sign Up for Acupuncture Treatments

East West Healing Solutions can help you with acupuncture for pain relief, relaxation, better sleep, and other physical and mental benefits. Our practitioners have years of experience in this painless and effective field If you have any questions about our services, schedule an appointment for acupuncture by calling (727) 216-3972 today.