If you have a pinched nerve, can acupuncture be a solution?

Suffering from the pain of a pinched nerve can be a horrendous experience. In some cases, you may have trouble sleeping or be unable to function in your daily life.

Popping pain pills every day isn’t a sustainable or desirable solution, so many people look for alternative treatments for pain relief. Today, we’re going to explain why using acupuncture for pinched nerves is a very effective plan of action.

Common Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve

When you have a pinched nerve, you’re actually experiencing a compressed nerve. This occurs when surrounding tissues are pressing against nerve roots, which causes pain signals to be sent to your brain. Symptoms of a pinched nerve typically include muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder, numbness, and radiating pain that moves to your shoulder and arm. In severe cases, your grip strength may be compromised.

Using Acupuncture for Pinched Nerves

In many cases, you’ll need to have some form of physical therapy to get rid of a pinched nerve. Acupuncture treatment is very popular because it’s both effective and fast-acting. The acute pain caused by a pinched nerve will often greatly dissipate in 2-4 acupuncture sessions. If you suffer from chronic neck pain, this may require as many as 8-12 visits.

When Should You See Your Physician?

If you’re suffering from any type of neck pain that you’re not accustomed to, you may want to visit a physician before signing up for acupuncture sessions. This is especially true if you’re experiencing severe pain, loss of grip strength, dizziness, atrophy, or loss of muscle tone in your shoulder or arm. Your physician will determine the best course of action, at which point you can ask about the use of acupuncture.

What to Expect from an Acupuncture Session

Using acupuncture for pinched nerves is highly effective. During an acupuncture treatment, very thin needles will be inserted into various spots on your body that will specifically target and relax the necessary nerves. Even though you may be in great pain, the needles will typically cause very little discomfort. Even after a single session, which will last 20-30 minutes, you’ll be able to feel a difference in the pain’s severity.

How Yoga May Be Able to Relieve Pain as Well

People have been using yoga for many years to stimulate the body and relieve pain. This is because yoga poses help to relax the body, improve flexibility, and increase strength, all of which can reduce the amount of pain you’re feeling. In addition to using acupuncture for pinched nerves, you can start with a few yoga poses such as:

  • Child’s pose — If you’re searching for a way to tune into your body and get it relaxed, you can start with this pose. It can relieve all types of pain because it lengthens and stretches your spine, which will improve your flexibility.
  • Downward facing dog — This is another popular yoga pose that will help relieve pain of all types. It improves your body strength while bringing it into alignment, both of which will have an effect on your neck pain.
  • Cobra pose — Any time you can improve blood flow, you’ll experience a degree of pain relief. This pose has a positive effect on circulation and flexibility due to the strengthening and stretching of your spine.

Contact East West Healing Solutions to Get Acupuncture for Pinched Nerves

East West Healing Solutions acupuncture specialists provide acupuncture for pinched nerves and many other physical ailments. If you have any questions about our acupuncture services or are interested in signing up for yoga classes or anything else we offer, call (727) 216-3972 today and visit our East West Store.