How can acupuncture help treat allergies?

Acupuncture has been used for many different types of physical and mental problems, yet people are still surprised to learn that it’s effective against allergies, too. In fact, the use of acupuncture for allergies has been around for decades, and it’s shown a lot of promise.

For today’s discussion, we’re going to dive into the history of acupuncture and then explain how it can help in the fight against allergies and a variety of physical and mental problems.

The History of Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that was developed thousands of years ago. The idea that life energy, which is called qi (pronounced “chee”), flows through the body along what’s referred to as meridians. When very thin needles are inserted at specific points on your body, this is able to restore the flow of energy.

Although there has been dispute in the scientific community as to whether these meridians exist, there has been substantial proof that acupuncture can assist with everything from pain relief and digestive issues to stress relief and menstrual cramps. It’s also been shown to alleviate multiple types of ailments, including allergies.

How Acupuncture Helps Allergies

People often use acupuncture for allergies because they’re tired of the constant bombardment of oral allergy medications, nasal sprays, and other traditional treatments. Others are looking for a way to enhance the medications they’re already using, specifically antihistamines and nasal sprays.

Depending on the symptoms, acupuncture for allergies will typically include several weeks or months of treatment, with one or two sessions each week. This may be followed by a yearly booster acupuncture treatment or individual sessions on an as-needed basis.

Other Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Using acupuncture for allergies is only the beginning. There are many other physical and mental ailments that can be controlled or even eliminated using this ancient Chinese medicine.

Here are some of the other issues that it can treat:

Relieves Chronic Pain

The most popular use of acupuncture has been to relieve pain. Many people suffering from chronic pain swear by acupuncture because it’s one of the only types of treatments that have been effective for them. Whether a person suffers from constant headaches or migraines, lower back pain, knee pain, or any other type of chronic pain, acupuncture is often quite helpful.

Controls Nausea and Vomiting

There are many reasons why someone might suffer from nausea and vomiting. For example, this is a common occurrence when a person is undergoing chemotherapy. There are medications to help control these issues, but they’re often not enough. Acupuncture has been shown to be very effective in treating nausea and vomiting in a much more comfortable way than certain medications.

Treats Sleep Issues

The truth is that if you don’t suffer from sleep issues, you at least know someone who does. Life is very stressful, and this often bleeds over into our nighttime rest. Acupuncture has a very calming effect on a person’s mind and body. Whether you’re having trouble sleeping because of pain or stress, you’ll get some relief through acupuncture, which will help you relax and sleep better.

Prevents Headaches and Migraines 

Millions of people in the country suffer from headaches and migraines. As we’ve already discussed, chronic head pain can be treated with acupuncture. But it’s also effective for people who suffer from severe headaches and migraines. The number of treatments will vary, but you’ll see some progress soon after starting treatment.

Eases Menstrual Cramps

Perhaps one of the most surprising yet effective uses of acupuncture has been the relief of menstrual cramps. This has been the saving grace of millions of women because menstrual cramps can be very debilitating. In fact, it’s been shown that acupuncture and electroacupuncture, which incorporate a weak electric current, are more effective against menstrual pain than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Aids Post-Surgery Recovery

Recovery from surgery can be tough. A patient may experience pain around the incision site, nausea from general anesthesia, sleeping issues, constipation, and other problems. Since these issues can be very far-reaching, they require a treatment that is far-reaching as well. Acupuncture fits the bill perfectly because of the variety of physical and mental ailments that it can treat.

Contact East West Healing Solutions for Acupuncture for Allergies

East West Healing Solutions has been using acupuncture for allergies and other ailments for many years. For any questions about our acupuncture therapy or to set up an appointment, call our office at (727) 216-3972 today.