A few yoga postures beginners should learn.

There’s no doubt at all that yoga is extremely beneficial to your health. It can help you gain flexibility, improve clarity, increase strength, reduce back pain, lose weight, lower stress, and so much more. That being said, joining a yoga class for the first time can be a little stressful because many people assume that they’ll be thrown to the wolves (with the wolves being experienced yoga students, of course). Not to fret! Yoga studios will put you right at ease by starting you off slowly and letting you advance at your own pace. To get you started, let’s take a look at seven yoga postures that you can start practicing right now and can often expect to find in beginner classes.

Yoga Postures

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This is easily one of the most popular yoga poses and it may be the first that you learn if you’re just starting out. Start by getting on your hands and knees. Your hands will be a tiny bit ahead of your shoulders and knees and below your hips.

Hands spread wide, press your index finger and thumb into the yoga mat. While exhaling and lifting up your knees from the floor and butt toward the ceiling, straighten your legs as much as possible while pressing your heels gently against the floor.

Hold this for 5 to 10 breaths.

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

This pose is a great way for beginners to learn balancing and how to breathe while standing on one foot. It begins with feet together and right foot on your inner left upper thigh. While holding your hands in a prayer position, locate a spot in front of you so that you’re able to maintain a steady gaze.

Do 8 to 10 breaths and switch to the other side. Avoid leaning into the standing leg and make sure that your core is engaged and your shoulders are relaxed. If you have issues staying steady in this pose, brace your back against the wall.

Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

As you might expect, this will often follow the downward-facing dog pose. Start off by lying on your stomach and stretching your legs back, with the top of each foot on the mat. While bending your elbows, spread your palms beside your waist.

As you inhale, press your inner hands firmly against the mat. Straighten out your arms while you lift your chest up, with your legs a few inches above the mat. Next, pull back your shoulders, squeeze your shoulder blades, and tilt your head toward the ceiling. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

When executed properly, the mountain pose will use every muscle in your body, which will help improve posture and even reduce back pain, among other benefits. Toes together and heels just a bit apart, spread your toes so that your weight is distributed evenly across your feet.

While engaging your core, tuck your hips under so that your tailbone points toward the floor. Relax your shoulders and roll them back, then down. Reach your arms above your head while inhaling and press down into your feet.

Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

The primary effect of this pose is stretching the hamstrings, lower back, upper back, and sides. You start off by sitting on the floor with your buttocks on a folded blanket and legs extended out in front.

As you inhale, raise your hands over your head, stretch upward, and extend your arms out to reach for your feet. Then, lift your chest and engage your lower abdominal muscles. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, then slowly exhale.

Child Pose (Balasana)

This gentle, resting yoga pose will stretch your hips, thighs, and legs while giving you a feeling of zen and lowering your stress level. While kneeling on the floor and touching your big toes together, sit on your heels. Next, pull your knees apart to approximately the width of your hips.

Exhale and rest your abdomen between your inner thighs and rest your forehead on the mat. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. After that, come up by lengthening your front torso, then releasing back while gently inhaling.

Bridge Pose (Setu bandhasana)

This yoga posture is great because it stretches the front of your body and strengthens the back of your body. First, lay comfortably on your back in the supine position. With feet apart to the width of your hips, push your feet firmly against the mat and raise your buttocks.

Next, interlock your palm and press your shoulder toward the floor. You can engage your hamstrings by imagining that your heels are being dragged toward your shoulders.

Hold for 8 to 10 breaths.

East West Healing Solutions is Your Destination for Yoga in Palm Harbor!

The healing instructors at East West Healing Solutions yoga studio in Palm Harbor can assist you with all types of yoga postures. If you have any questions about our expertise, health and nutrition advice, yoga poses, or other healing services, contact us by calling (727) 216-3972 to join one of our yoga classes!