If you suffer from breathing difficulties or skin ailments, salt room therapy is one alternative to improve your condition. Salt therapy, also referred to as halotherapy, involves spending time in a room with a high concentration of salty air.

Using Salt Room Therapy to Treat Different Ailments

Salt room therapy dates back to 1843 when Dr. Felix Botchkowski noticed that salt miners infrequently suffered from respiratory distress. This led Dr. Botchkowski to theorize that the high concentration of salt in the mines was responsible for the low occurrence of respiratory illness among the miners.

Today, halotherapy is used to treat a number of conditions and promote a higher sense of wellbeing. Both children and adults can benefit from salt room therapy. Here’s what you need to know about the ailments commonly helped by salt room therapy and a few tips for getting the most from your salt therapy.

Breathing Conditions Treated by Salt Room Therapy

Salt therapy can expand lung capacity, boost oxygen intake, and assist with better breathing. Researchers believe that salt particles travel to the respiratory system and eradicate toxins, bacteria, and extra moisture. Cilia (the hairlike structures in the lung) are able to function better, enabling the lungs to remain free from obstructions that make breathing difficult.

Breathing conditions that salt therapy can provide healing services for include:

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • COPD
  • Smoker’s cough
  • Chronic bronchitis

An added benefit of halotherapy is that you can combine it with other treatment options to optimize the positive benefits to your health and nutrition. Many individuals who participate in cardiovascular activities find that their performance improves after regular salt therapy sessions.

Skin Conditions That Benefit from Halotherapy

Healing instructors also recommend salt therapy for individuals who suffer from certain skin conditions. When the salt hits your skin, it absorbs bad bacteria and other impurities, while raising your levels of “good” bacteria. The salt also promotes balanced pH levels and better circulation. Halotherapy also encourages cell rejuvenation the soothes the skin and minimizes irritation.

Salt therapy can alleviate the following skin ailments:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Dry skin
  • Acne

Halotherapy can also counteract the signs of aging and promote the appearance of smooth, youthful skin.

Other Conditions Treated

If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, halotherapy is an excellent alternative to enhance your mood and improve your overall mental health. There are no side effects associated with halotherapy, and you can combine it with products from the East West Healing Solutions store to optimize your results.

Feel like you’re struggling to concentrate at work or school? Many people report that their focus improves after salt therapy sessions. Use salt room therapy with regular attendance at your Palm Harbor yoga classes to maximize your mental clarity.

Fans of halotherapy report that regular sessions help boost their energy levels. Salt room therapy is also beneficial for alleviating insomnia.

Tips and Tricks for Your Salt Room Therapy Sessions

To get the most from halotherapy, try to schedule two to three sessions each week. Sessions will usually last around 45 minutes. Dress in comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movements.

Try not to be too productive during your session; this isn’t the time to tackle a work project or work on your to-do list. Instead, focus on an activity that promotes mental serenity. You might do a few of your favorite yoga or meditation poses. Or you may choose to sit and listen to soothing music. Your goal is to end the session feeling rested and revitalized.

Contact East West Healing Solutions for Salt Room Therapyin Palm Harbor

Want more info about halotherapy or yoga studios in Palm Harbor? Contact East West Healing Solutions today for more information!