We get this question a lot!  Actually, we LOVE it when we get asked this because it’s SO exciting to share our answer!  So, is yoga actually beneficial for your body – four ways you can be certain are below!


Let’s dive in…


> Flexibility.  How often do you wake up stiff and sore?  Or, worse yet, what if you happen to be sitting for a bit – does your body lock up?  Yoga may be just what you need to loosen up joints and ligaments.  Try practicing yoga for several weeks and get in tune with your body.  Begin to notice what feels less stiff and sore.  A more limber and flexible body is a body that may be more resistant to injury.


> Strength.  As we age we begin to lose muscle mass and with that comes the loss of strength.  Yoga is a great, low-impact way to not only strengthen but tone your muscles.  


> Balance.  Improving your balance is a great way to avoid falls which can lead to sprains and more involved injuries.  Yoga requires you to hold poses.  The longer you can hold a pose the more strength, flexibility, and balance you can build.


> Stress Management, Sleep, and Relaxation.  Scientific data suggests that yoga helps with stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight reduction, and good sleep, according to the National Institutes of Health.


One of the best ways to determine if yoga is actually beneficial for your body is to try it for yourself!  Commit to practicing it for a month to see how your body changes and the benefits you begin to notice.  Spoiler alert!  There are more than four ways to tell if yoga is actually good for your body!  You may begin to notice an increase in energy, a better mood, help with arthritis, and the ability to manage your blood pressure.  Ready to try a class or two?  Follow this link to visit our class schedule:  https://eastwesthealingsolutions.com/studio-schedule/