What Are Acupuncture Meridians and How Are They Used?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used by millions of people throughout the centuries to relieve physical, mental, and emotional issues. It works with the use of acupuncture meridians, which are paths that run through various parts of your body and carry life-energy known as qi (pronounced “chee”) flows.

By inserting very thin acupuncture needles into specific points of the body, these meridians are activated. This changes the flow of energy from one acupuncture point to another, helping your body and mind find a better balance.

Here’s a quick look at the 12 major acupuncture meridian points in your body:

Heart Meridian

Your heart is known as the organ that commands all your other organs, in addition to your emotions. Since your heart regulates your body’s circulation, an imbalance can cause problems with other organs and your entire body. This can also cause a disruption in your mental state.

Lung Meridian

Your lungs complement your heart by assisting in the flow of blood and energy. They also control your skin and perspiration. An imbalance in the lung meridian can disrupt respiratory function, create skin problems, and cause a buildup of anxiety.

Stomach Meridian 

Your stomach is in charge of extracting energy from food and beverages; it works with the spleen to transport energy throughout its meridian system. Since your stomach is in charge of elemental balance, an imbalance will cause energetic deficiencies that will present themselves in the form of mania, confusion, or anxiety.

Kidney Meridian 

In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney includes your adrenal glands and sex glands. It also regulates the brain and plays an important part in the formation of memories and rationality. When your meridian is out of whack, you can experience impotency, poor memory, or foggy thinking.

Large Intestine Meridian

The large intestine is what turns liquid into solid waste and is responsible for balancing your body’s fluids. An imbalance with this meridian can cause multiple issues, including constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, depression, and excessive worry.

Small Intestine Meridian

Your small intestine meridian is not only responsible for digestion but also controls your basic emotions. An imbalance in the small intestine meridian will often cause emaciation and pain in your abdomen. You may also experience poor reasoning capability and restlessness.

Liver Meridian 

Your liver takes nutrients that you’ve ingested and turns them into substances that your body can use for energy. It also detoxifies your blood and is in charge of your peripheral nervous system. A liver meridian imbalance will typically cause hypertension and restlessness. You might also experience anger issues.

Bladder Meridian

While most people think of the bladder as simply the organ that stores and eliminates liquid waste, it also has an energetic function that balances your autonomous nervous system. When your bladder meridian is in imbalance, you’re likely to experience lower back pain or weakness, in addition to urinary issues. You might also find yourself feeling fearful or stubborn.

Gallbladder Meridian 

Your gallbladder secretes bile to aid in digestion, which then provides energy to your muscles. If you’re experiencing an imbalance in your gallbladder meridian, you’re more likely to go through mental issues than physical ones. This typically presents itself as insomnia and muscle stiffness, but you may also experience poor judgment and indecisiveness.

Spleen Meridian 

The spleen meridian includes your pancreas and helps with digestion by extracting nutrients from foods and beverages that you ingest. If your spleen meridian gets out of balance, you’re likely to experience a bad temper and moodiness.

Pericardium Meridian 

The pericardium is a protective sack that encircles your heart. It helps regulate blood circulation and connects the emotional feelings of love with the physical act of sex. If you experience an imbalance with the pericardium meridian, you may have problems with your heart, chest, and stomach. You could also experience mental and emotional issues.

Triple-Warmer Meridian 

Like the pericardium meridian, the triple-warmer meridian isn’t associated with an organ. That being said, it’s similar to your thyroid because it also helps control metabolism. This meridian is also involved in digestion and waste processing. When your triple-warmer meridian is out of balance, you may experience problems with your sense organs and the side of your head.

Contact East West Healing Solutions to Utilize Acupuncture Meridians

East West Healing Solutions will utilize the power of acupuncture meridians to aid in the recovery of physical, mental, and emotional issues. If you have any questions about acupuncture in Palm Harbor or would like to sign up for a session, call our office at (727) 216-3972 today.