How can acupuncture treat various conditions?

Chinese medicine practitioners have sworn by the use of acupuncture for thousands of years. Acupuncture works with the use of thin, sterile needles inserted into various points of your body as a way to align your energy. It has been shown to be an effective way to stimulate your nervous system, improve energy flow, and treat many different types of ailments.

Many people have the same question: What can acupuncture treat? Let’s take a look at some of the physical, mental, and emotional ailments that acupuncture has been effective in treating, and then we’ll answer some other questions that you’re probably dying to know.

What Can Acupuncture Treat?

One of the reasons people love acupuncture so much is that it treats a wide variety of problems. Most people use it for pain relief, which can include headaches, migraines, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and chronic pain in various parts of the body, including your back, neck, knees, and muscles. It can also help with a variety of other issues, including immune system issues, infertility, menopause, pregnancy discomforts, and many others.

What Happens During a Therapy Session?

Once you arrive for your first acupuncture session, the practitioner will discuss your condition and then explain the process. Acupuncture is extremely safe and has a calming effect, but it’s understandable that some people may be afraid the first few times because of the needles. After everything’s been discussed, the treatment will begin, and multiple needles will be placed into your skin at specific acupuncture points, where they will stay anywhere from just a few minutes up to approximately 20 minutes.

How Does Acupuncture Feel?

We understand that needles can be scary, but there’s no reason to fear an acupuncture treatment. When the treatment begins, you may feel a small prick with the insertion of each needle, but it’ll give you less of a sensation than getting a vaccine (which many of us are used to by now) or drawing blood. You may also feel muscle sensations such as a dull ache or tingling, both of which are normal and nothing to worry about.

Are Acupuncture Treatments Safe?

Like other medical treatments, an acupuncturist is a qualified professional that has gone through proper training. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates acupuncture needles, including the fact that only a certified acupuncturist can use them. These needles are thrown away after a single use, per regulations. All of this implies that acupuncture is risk-free.

What Happens After a Treatment? 

While acupuncture will often make you feel energized, it’s also calming and relaxing. We recommend you have someone give you a ride home after the first appointment, if possible. If this isn’t an option, then we’d suggest that you rest for approximately 5–10 minutes before driving home. Also, depending on how your body reacts to the treatment, the acupuncturist may advise you to take it easy for a couple of days following each session.

How Frequently Should Treatments Be Planned?

The number of acupuncture treatments you need will depend on the type of condition you’re trying to fix and its severity. It will also depend on how well your body responds, because some patients may respond very well to treatment and need fewer sessions. As for frequency, it’s normal for a patient to have an acupuncture session once per week, but your acupuncturist may recommend more or less time.

Will I Require Treatments Other Than Acupuncture?

This will also depend on what type of condition you have and how well you respond to the acupuncture. There are some cases where acupuncture is the only treatment because of how effective it is. With more severe ailments or ones of a very complicated nature, you may need to integrate acupuncture into a full-blown medical treatment plan.

East West Healing Solutions provides Acupuncture Services in Palm Harbor

East West Healing Solutions offers acupuncture, massage, and other treatments for physical, mental, and emotional needs. Please feel free to visit the East West Healing Solutions store for the latest and greatest products and supplies. If you have any questions about what acupuncture can treat or would like to set up an appointment, contact our staff at (727) 216-3972 today.