Yoga comes in many forms.  In this article, we are going to explore the 5 types of yoga that are most popular and the benefits you may experience when practicing them. 


Let’s dive in!


Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga is an easier, less intense version of yoga.  You can expect to experience many floor poses and some standing poses during your class. 


Hatha Yoga

Dating back to the 15th century, hatha yoga is unlike any other form of yoga.  It is usually practiced at a slow pace and focuses on meditation.  This type of yoga is a great place for beginners to start and to learn the various proses and relaxation techniques found in the practice of yoga.


Bikram or “Hot Yoga”

This is a form of yoga that is practiced in a hot and humid yoga studio where temperatures can reach 104°F.  The purpose of the hot temperatures is to provide an intense cardiovascular workout and to help develop strength, flexibility, and muscle tone.  It also may help to relax the body, increase mental focus, and improve breathing.



Kundalini yoga is also known as yoga awareness and has a spiritual component to it.  It uses movement, sound, breath, and meditation to relax the mind and body while also improving strength and flexibility.  It can also strengthen your nervous system, purify the blood, and works with the subconscious.  This work helps you to build a greater awareness – allowing you to focus on how you will respond to thoughts and feelings. 



Vinyasa yoga focuses on increasing strength and it helps to build lean muscle.  One of the main benefits of this type of yoga is that all of the muscle groups engaged receive an equal amount of attention in a balanced, flowing manner.


There are many more types including “Goat Yoga” (yes, it’s a thing!) that you can explore.  What we mentioned here are some of the more popular types you will hear about.  We hope after learning the various types of yoga, you will visit our studio and try out some of our gentle yoga classes.  Visit our studio schedule by following this link: