How Acupuncture Affects Weight Loss

One of the biggest questions we get asked is, “Can acupuncture help with weight loss?” The truth is that acupuncture practitioners have been aiding in weight loss for several decades. In fact, this traditional Chinese medical practice of inserting very thin needles into specific points on your body can help you lose weight and provide multiple other benefits.

For today’s discussion, let’s start by focusing on how acupuncture affects your body in very specific ways that will help you lose weight:

Improves Digestion

Many people think of acupuncture as a treatment for physical pain in a body part, but it goes far beyond that. By focusing acupuncture needles on the stomach and kidney, you’ll not only see an improvement in how your digestive system works, but you’ll also increase the amount of nutrients that your body absorbs. This can assist with gastrointestinal issues that could be a cause of weight gain.

Increases Confidence

Many people have trouble losing weight because they have a bad self image. Acupuncture has been used to increase a person’s confidence for many years. This happens with the release of stress and feeling better about oneself. With this increased confidence, a patient is more likely to push forward with what needs to be done to lose weight and keep it off.

Reduces Inflammation

Whenever there’s inflammation or tension in your gut, you may experience a slower metabolism. This can also damage digestion and impact your heart’s health. Acupuncture will help relieve tension and regulate your body’s immune response, both of which will reduce inflammation and make it easier for you to lose excess weight.

Stops Water Retention

People who have tried to lose weight in the past are typically very aware of the effects of water retention. Acupuncture for weight loss will stimulate the kidney and endocrine systems, both of which will discourage water retention. This often results in a quick loss of weight and will also help you maintain a healthy weight.

Hormone Production

When your body’s hormone levels are out of whack, you can experience a whole slew of negative effects. This can lead to severe digestion issues and other problems, some of which can cause you to gain weight and have trouble losing it. Ear acupuncture therapy is a primary component of this treatment because there’s a particular point in your ear that has shown to be very effective in balancing hormone levels.

Boosts Metabolism

As everyone knows, metabolism is a huge component of losing weight. Sadly, many things can cause a person’s metabolism to go down. Acupuncture for weight loss will use needles to stimulate your thyroid, which will improve your pituitary gland’s effectiveness.

This will help increase your metabolism so that you burn fat more quickly. Then, everything you do, from daily activities to major workouts, will be more effective in burning calories and helping you shed weight.

Improves Mood

One of the biggest reasons people gain weight is because they’re in a bad mood. Although everyone is in a bad mood every once in a while, it’s a huge problem when it becomes a consistent feeling. Acupuncture is extremely effective in improving a person’s mood by giving them a feeling of calm and decreasing stress. This better mood will eliminate binge eating, stress eating, and more.

Key Acupuncture Points for Weight Loss

Whenever you have a particular goal for your acupuncture sessions, the therapist will focus on specific key areas of the body known to address that need. With weight loss, areas related to digestion and food intake will be a primary focus. They’ll also focus on areas that promote weight loss by affecting hormone levels, energy flow, appetite, and metabolism. Oddly enough, the most important area for weight loss is the ear.

Acupuncture Ear Therapy for Weight Loss

Also known as auricular acupuncture, this treatment has become an increasingly popular therapy for weight loss after several studies showed a significant effect. This is because a person’s ear is one of the densest parts of their body for nerve endings. These nerve endings are linked to various other parts of the body, which makes the ear the perfect location for acupuncture. In fact, it’s home to dozens of acupuncture points that have been focused on for thousands of years.

Contact East West Healing Solutions to Schedule an Acupuncture Session

So… can acupuncture help with weight loss? Yes! East West Healing Solutions offers acupuncture treatments that can lead to weight loss in a relatively short period of time. If you’re in need of acupuncture in Palm Harbor or the surrounding areas, call our office at (727) 216-3972 to schedule an appointment today.