Yoga has A LOT of benefits.  One of our favorites is how it can impact sleep.  It may actually improve your sleep.  Curious how?  Keep reading to explore 4 ways yoga can improve your sleep.


Teaches You How To Breathe and Welcome Sleep

Much of yoga is learning how to breathe in ways that benefit your body.  One of the benefits of breathing is teaching your body how to relax.  A relaxed body is a body ready to welcome sleep!


Reduces Stress

One of the biggest benefits of yoga is the ability to reduce stress and calm the mind.  You will learn how to do this in class. BUT, the real magic happens when you consistently attend yoga classes and you begin to learn how to instinctively reduce stress and calm the mind on demand. Imagine how powerful this could be when you are trying to fall asleep and the stresses of the day are doing their best to keep you up.


Regulates the Nervous System

Yoga can help to move your body to a “rest and digest” state.  It helps to stabilize your nervous system and the hormones like adrenaline which engages your flight or fight response that you probably needed during the day.  When it’s time to go to bed, we need to do what we can to encourage relaxation and increase the sleep hormone melatonin.


Eases Physical Discomfort

We put our bodies through A LOT during the day.  Depending on what we do during the day can cause us to feel pain and discomfort.  Yoga can help relieve this pain by lengthening and strengthening our muscles and ligaments.

Challenge yourself to get a better night’s sleep.  Aim for a minimum of 7-8 hours per night and use tools like yoga to help you achieve this goal.  Explore our yoga classes when you follow this link: