ve haWhat questions about acupuncture therapy do you have?

Acupuncture has been a traditional Chinese form of medicine and therapy for thousands of years. It was first introduced in the United States in the 1800s and has become increasingly popular here in the past few decades. Despite the fact that it has been around for a long time, many people have no idea how it works other than that it involves needles. Let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions about acupuncture that you may like to know before your first session.

What Happens During Acupuncture Therapy?

First off, you’ll likely have a consultation before showing up. You’ll go over the reason for your visit and what you’d like to accomplish. Then, during the actual session, very thin, sterile needles will be inserted into specific acupuncture points on your body to tackle what ails you. The acupuncturist will make you feel comfortable throughout the session, which will typically last approximately one hour or a bit longer.

Why Do Most People Sign Up for Acupuncture? 

Acupuncture can be used for a variety of physical issues, but the primary reason people sign up is because they suffer from chronic pain. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for all types of pain, with back pain being the most common. People who have what’s typically temporary pain from sports injuries, car accidents, and other health-related incidents may also seek out help from an acupuncturist.

Does Acupuncture Treat Mental Health Issues?

This has become one of the most frequently asked questions about acupuncture in recent years. Many people are pleasantly surprised to discover that acupuncture has also been shown to have positive effects on those dealing with mental health issues. One of the effects of acupuncture is that you achieve a relaxed, calm state. This, coupled with the balancing of energy that comes with the insertion of acupuncture needles, can help patients lower their anxiety, gain more clarity, improve their confidence, and more.

Can You Combine Acupuncture with Other Treatments?

Many patients will sign up for acupuncture while also undergoing physical therapy, chiropractic care, cold laser therapy, and other effective treatments. In fact, acupuncture is often utilized as a helpful add-on to more significant treatments, such as certain types of surgery, because it’ll alleviate pain and speed up the healing process.

What Should You Wear to an Acupuncture Session?

The truth is that you can pretty much wear anything you’d like to an acupuncture session. That being said, most acupuncturists will recommend that you wear loose, comfortable clothing. Not only is this obviously more relaxing for the patient, but it often gives easier access to different parts of your body.

How Frequently Should You Get Acupuncture?

The frequency of your acupuncture visits will depend on the condition being treated, your overall health, and other factors that you’ll need to discuss with the acupuncturist. It will also depend on whether you need or are able to do sessions weekly, monthly, or somewhere in between. If you’re attending treatment sessions because you’ve been referred by your doctor, then the therapist will follow their instructions.

What Should You Expect After an Acupuncture Session? 

After your acupuncture session has concluded, you’re going to feel very relaxed. You may experience an emotional response if you’ve been under a lot of stress and are keeping things bottled up inside. In some cases, you might feel a bit dizzy or exhausted, but those feelings will dissipate rather quickly. Feeling tired and being a little lightheaded are the two most common side effects of acupuncture, but neither are long-term. The acupuncturist will then discuss the session, answer any questions, and talk with you about future appointments.

Schedule an Acupuncture Session with East West Healing Solutions

East West Healing Solutions offers a variety of therapies to assist you in relieving chronic pain, improving your mental and emotional health, and much more. If you have frequently asked questions about acupuncture or would like to sign up for an appointment, reach out to us at (727) 216-3972 today.