You have heard in the past how yoga is supposed to be good for you.  But, have you ever taken a closer look and truly understood the benefits?  In this blog post, you are going learn 8 Reasons Why You Must Start Taking Yoga Classes at East West Healing Solutions Beginning This Week!  We know that once you see the benefits, you will be ready to check out our class schedule and explore the types of classes we have available.  

Let’s dive right in!


This is one of the first and biggest benefits you may experience when you begin yoga.  When you first start taking yoga classes, you will notice that you may not be able to reach as far as you would like.  Touching your toes may be an effort or near impossible! But, by the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes, you may notice a HUGE difference!  Each time you take a class, you may see yourself going a little deeper and a little farther into a yoga pose. These results are great and easy to measure, but, you may be asking yourself, “Why is flexibility so important anyway?”  Flexibility, your ability to stretch your muscles and ligaments results in less aches and pains, reduction in stiffness, lowers your experience of lumbar back pain, and the list goes on. If you can reduce pain, soreness, and stiffness, isn’t it worth it?


Muscle Strength

Did you know this about muscle strength?  It can help protect you against things like arthritis, back pain, falling (especially in seniors), and muscle strength can help to improve your balance!  Practicing yoga can help you build muscles where you need it the most. Your older self will thank you!

Promotes Cartilage and Joint Health

Yoga is a great way to get full range of motion for your cartilage and joints.  But why does that matter? We all know we have cartilage in our bodies, but do we really know how to keep it healthy and strong?  Cartilage gets its nutrients from a process of squeezing and releasing. When cartilage is squeezed and utilized through yoga, it soaks in essential nutrients like a sponge.  These nutrients feed the health of the cartilage resulting in stronger, longer lasting cartilage and joints. Another reason for your older self to thank you!


Helps to Protect Your Spine

Your spine contains a bunch of discs that absorb shock for your vertebrae.  In order for these discs to do their job, they must receive nutrients to help keep them in tip-top shape.  This is done much the same way cartilage and joints receive their nutrients – through movements like bending and twisting.  


Increases Blood Flow

Blood flow or circulation is important to your body.  The more circulation your body experiences, the more oxygen that is being delivered to your organs, limbs, hands, and feet.  The more oxygen your body receives, the more you can benefit! When your body receives oxygenated blood, you can experience things like reduction in swelling, less “sticky” blood platelets (sticky platelets can cause clots) which can result in lesser chances of heart attacks and strokes.


Drains Lymphatic System and Boosts Immunity

During yoga classes, you will go through a series of poses.  The act of coming in and out of various poses engages muscles which helps to drain the lymphatic system.  The lymphatic system helps to keep your body’s immune system strong. That means you can experience less illness, colds, and the flu!


Lowers Blood Pressure

Yoga is incredibly relaxing.  Your heart will love this! When you are in control of your body, you can do amazing things.  One of those things is to completely relax. Through relaxation, you can chase away stress and you may even be able to drop your blood pressure.


Helps You Focus

Another way to be in control of your body is to focus.  The ability to focus can be challenging for some, especially if you have a lot on your plate – work, family, bills, stress, etc.  Yoga can help train you to learn how to focus, solve problems, and keep your thoughts organized.

Are you as excited about the benefits of yoga as we are?  The best part about the benefits we listed is that those are only a few of what you can experience! Accept our invitation!  We would love for you to stop by East West Healing Solutions to take a tour of our facility and learn more about the yoga classes we offer.  Our yoga studio is conveniently located in Palm Harbor and we have several classes to choose from.

Dr. Marie Perkins, OTR/L, LMT, DOM, Dipl. Ac. is one of the most recognized practitioners in Palm Harbor as a “non-pharmaceutical” pain specialist.

Born and raised in Quebec City Canada, Dr. Perkins received her Bachelor Degree in Occupational Therapy from University Laval in 1993.

Her passion led her to leave everything behind and immigrated to Florida in 1995. She proceeded with acquiring her Massage Therapy license from Bahkti Academy in 1999 and her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese