



Electro-Acupuncture was developed around the mid 1900’s. It uses mild electrical currents that conduct through the acupuncture needles into the muscles and tissues to enhance the effect of the treatment and produce faster results. Since electro-acupuncture has been proven to accelerate tissue healing, significantly reduce pain, inflammation, edema and swelling, it is a modality often [...]

Cosmetic Acupuncture


The non-surgical Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture procedure is a holistic, natural and comprehensive skin rejuvenation program. Specific facial acupuncture needles are placed in a precise configuration just under the skin's surface to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. It is an excellent natural alternative to cosmetic surgery facelifts and botox treatments. The protocol requires [...]



Cupping is an ancient Chinese practice that helps alleviate pain, release toxins and stimulate the immune and the lymphatic systems. A rounded glass cup is placed on the skin creating a suction effect. Several health benefits are assigned to this modality; reduces pain, swelling, inflammation and congestion, loosens adhesions and maximizes blood circulation.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy


A craniosacral therapy session involves gentle work with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. In this way, the restrictions of nerve passages are said to be eased, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is said to be optimized, and misaligned bones are said to be restored [...]

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