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How Acupuncture in Palm Harbor Helps You Deal with Running Injuries

Running is a physical activity that can test your body to the core – and acupuncture can help you deal with the muscle pains related to it. As Cielestia Calbay explains in her article posted at “The sight of needles can make anyone cringe, but it may be worth a shot to help alleviate [...]

By |2017-07-26T05:50:54+00:00February 3rd, 2014|Info Article|Comments Off on How Acupuncture in Palm Harbor Helps You Deal with Running Injuries

Shutting Out All the Pain through Quality Acupuncture in Palm Harbor

Athletes are expected to train hard and surpass their limits when going out in the field. However, the pursuit of glory may have downsides in the form of physical pain and injury. Fortunately, there is a solution for an athlete’s painful woes, as Jeanne Rose explains in her piece for Yahoo! Sports: "Acupuncture is a [...]

By |2017-07-26T05:50:59+00:00December 2nd, 2013|Info Article|Comments Off on Shutting Out All the Pain through Quality Acupuncture in Palm Harbor

A Primer for People Considering Auricular Acupuncture in Palm Harbor

Auricular or ear acupuncture essentially follows the principles of conventional acupuncture, except it is focused solely on points on or around the earlobes. People considering acupuncture in Palm Harbor may opt for it as a stand-alone treatment, or else use it to supplement other healing techniques like cupping and massage. How exactly does ear acupuncture [...]

By |2017-07-26T05:50:59+00:00November 26th, 2013|Info Article|Comments Off on A Primer for People Considering Auricular Acupuncture in Palm Harbor
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