How does meditating in the morning benefit you throughout the day?

Even if you’re not a morning person, you should definitely consider getting up in the morning and engaging in a short session of meditation. This is an absolutely wonderful way to kickstart your day and get you ready to take on the world in a more positive, effective way. Meditation can even reduce pain and improve memory.

There are many benefits to morning meditation, and our staff has put together a quick list of our personal favorites:

Reduces anxiety and stress

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many people begin their day stressed out or anxious. When you meditate in the morning, you’ll be stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart and breathing rates, boosts blood flow, and reduces cortisol. This leads to a sense of calm and relaxation, thereby lowering stress and anxiety. Not only that, but you’ll also experience improved focus and concentration by kicking your brain into gear.

A Great Way to Get You Pumped Up

It’s funny how something so relaxing could actually get you pumped up in the morning, but it’s true. This actually makes sense when you think about it. If you just roll out of bed and slog around for an hour doing nothing but drinking your coffee and trying to wake up, it’ll take forever to truly start your day. By initiating a daily morning meditation routine, you’ll engage both your body and mind much more quickly.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem

Everyone wants to have more confidence and self-esteem, but we seem to do everything we can to kill both as soon as we get up in the morning. During a daily meditation practice, you’re given the opportunity to momentarily forget about outside influences and focus solely on your sense of self and your self-image (which, yes, are two different things). This gives you a greater sense of awareness and a more positive outlook, thereby making you feel better about yourself and ready to take on the world.

Puts You in a Pleasant Mood

As we’ve made very clear, one of the biggest benefits of morning meditation practice is being more relaxed. Just 15 minutes of meditation soon after you wake up will allow you to take control of your overall outlook, which will put you in a more pleasant mood. Even if you feel a bit grumpy from something that happened the day before, you’ll find that negative thoughts are being replaced by feelings of gratitude, happiness, optimism, and overall contentment.

Improves Your Daily Productivity

Everyone has a lot of things they need to do every single day. We totally understand if you feel as if you need to get up, take a shower, throw your clothes on, eat breakfast, and run out the door. The problem is that if you don’t start off your day by clearing your mind and improving your mood, you’re more likely to give in to emotional impulses and temptations. This can absolutely kill your productivity. It’s much better to start the day with a little meditation.

Boosts energy and vitality

Engaging in a morning meditation routine will improve your energy, vitality, and zeal throughout the day. A big reason for this is that it provides you with a higher quality of sleep. You’ll wake up feeling more energized and ready to take on the world. Another reason this happens is that by triggering your parasympathetic nervous system, you’ll get a kick of endorphins.

Meditation Improves Your Compassion

As you meditate and forget about the multiple stresses in your life, you’ll find that your emotional awareness will be heightened. This gives you a greater feeling of empathy and compassion toward others, and you’ll be less likely to judge those around you. Not only is this good for your internal well-being, but you’ll also be sending out better vibes into the world.

Boosts Health and Wellbeing

Over the years, it’s been proven that consistent morning meditation will boost your overall health and well-being. Several of the reasons for this are contained throughout this discussion, but in addition to those, you also have the physical benefits of morning meditation, such as reducing headaches and migraines, lowering blood pressure, and helping with insomnia. Meditation also improves your immune system and can reduce physical pain.

For More Information on the Benefits of Morning Meditation, Contact East West Healing Solutions

East West Healing Solutions understands the many benefits of morning meditation, and we can help you optimize each routine. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, our staff can assist you at (727) 216-3972 today. Check out our East West Healing Solutions store for more lifestyle products!